WNG Builds, Integrates and Maintains multiple types of networks such as 2G, 3G and 4G carrier infrastructure, In-Building DAS , Microwave, Wi-Fi/Wi-Max networks & Fiber Networks.
The following services are offered by WNG either on a turnkey or task basis:
- Construction Services - Site Builds & Technology Upgrades
- RF/Tower Services - Antenna/Node, Coax Cabling and Fiber Services
- Technical Services - Engineering, Installation, Integration & Testing Services
- Maintenance Services - Tower, HVAC, Power/Generator & Compound services
All backed with effective materials management processes and several warehouses to support your wireless build/deployment projects.
The key benefits of selecting WNG to Build, Integrate and Maintain your wireless network are:
- End-to-end Project Management
- WNG is experienced in carrier grade network build-outs
- Certified Multi Vendor in-house expertise - Construction, Cabling, RF, Fiber, Power, HVAC & 2G 3G 4G iDAS Engineers & Technicians
- Multi Vendor and Multi Technology Support
- 24x7x365 Multi-Discipline Maintenance services
- Strict Adherence to Industry & Federal standards e.g. OSHA, EPA
- Quality Leadership